cmake install not installing libraries on windows -

for reason, below cmake file fails install project libraries. create directory in right location, , recursively installs headers... fails install library. ideas?

cmake_minimum_required(version 2.8) project(mylib)  include_directories(include) add_library(mylib shared source/stuff.cpp)  if(cmake_system matches "windows") target_link_libraries(mylib dbghelp ws2_32 iphlpapi) set(cmake_install_prefix "../../devel_artifacts") endif(cmake_system matches "windows")  install(targets mylib library destination "lib"                       archive destination "lib"                       component library) install(directory include/${project_name} destination include) 

you're missing runtime destination argument in install(targets...) command.

cmake treats shared libraries runtime objects on "dll platforms" windows. if change command to:

install(targets mylib library destination "lib"                       archive destination "lib"                       runtime destination "bin"                       component library) 

then should find mylib.dll ends in "devel_artifacts/bin".


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