- Linkbutton inside update panel doesnot enable from code behind -

in usercontrol have update panel contains ajaxfileupload control , link button view file being uploaded ajaxfileupload control. ascx page is:

<asp:updatepanel runat="server" id="updatepanelupload" updatemode="conditional">         <contenttemplate>             <asp:panel runat="server" id="pnluploadfile">                 <div class="button-action-row">                     <h2>                         <asp:label id="lbluploadheader" runat="server" text="upload file"></asp:label>                     </h2>                 </div>                 <div class="button-action-row">                     <asp:ajaxfileupload id="ajaxfileupload1" runat="server" contextkeys="one" onuploadcomplete="uploadcomplete" />                 <span class="right">                         <asp:linkbutton id="lnkbtnviewuploaddoc" runat="server" text="view supplier contract"                             onclick="lnkbtnviewuploaddoc_click"></asp:linkbutton></span>                 </div>             </asp:panel>         </contenttemplate>         <triggers>             <asp:postbacktrigger controlid="lnkbtnviewuploaddoc" />         </triggers>     </asp:updatepanel>  

this usercontrol loaded in modal popup.while usercontrol loaded checked if file available in location, if not lnkbtnviewuploaddoc disabled, works fine. on uploadcomplete event, made lnkbtnviewuploaddoc enabled. not happening. tried moving lnkbtnviewuploaddoc different panel , updated updatepanel on uploadcomplete event of ajaxfileupload1. getting wrong here.

try including causesvalidation='false' linkbutton.


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