regex - awk concatenate next lines when matching -

i using awk analyze text file , concatenate lines matching regex following line. using following command:

awk '/^ [0-9]/{printf $0 ;next;}1' *filename* 

when test prompt works expected when put same command in bash script output same input file.

any idea on why should not work in bash script?


here's complete script:

#!/bin/bash #  file in $( ls *.raw )     awk '/^ [0-9]/{printf $0 ;next;}1' file > temp done 

i tried using awk '/pattern/{printf "%s",$0;next}1' file suggested @kent add %s @ beginning of file.


i modified command concatenate matching line 2 following lines using getline follows:

(awk '/^ [0-9]/{l1=$0;getline;l2=(l1  $0);getline; print l2 $0}' < input_file) > output_file 

i modified command concatenate matching line 2 following lines using getline follows:

(awk '/^ [0-9]/{l1=$0;getline;l2=(l1  $0);getline; print l2 $0}' < input_file) > output_file 


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