sql - openoffice base won't let me select more than 3 columns -

so following query works fine me:

select distinct stno,haulno,catcatchwgt  hl  speccode='126436'; 

but, when try add column selection, so:

select distinct stno,haulno,year,catcatchwgt  hl  speccode='126436'; 

suddenly, errors. specifically, when open details get:

hy000 error code 1000 syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting between or in or sql_token_like 

however, when go w3 schools sql website , try query 4 columns (http://www.w3schools.com/sql/trysql.asp?filename=trysql_select_all), works fine. openoffice base hate when try query many columns? have special in openoffice? or forgetting key concept?


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