Get C# Property Values for multiple objects -

i have couple of domain objects like:

public class person() { public int age { get; set; } public string city{ get; set; }   }  public class company()     {     public string name{ get; set; }     public string address{ get; set; }       } 

i have class calls mymethod mentioned below.

public class calltest() {  person p= new person{age=10,city="dd"};  company c= new company{name="mynae",address="myaddress"};  mymethod(p);  mymethod(c); } gives me property name. how property value?

public class mymethod(object obj) {     type t = obj.gettype();     propertyinfo prop = t.getproperty("items");     foreach (memberinfo mi in t.getmembers())             {                     if (mi.membertype ==                     {                        var x =;                     }                 } } 

you need cast memberinfo propertyinfo it's value :

..... if (mi.membertype == {     var x =;     var value = ((propertyinfo) mi).getvalue(obj); } ..... 


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