r - googleVis Treemap drilling up -

are treemaps formed in googlevis package intended allow "drill-up" functionality?

in example in ?gvistreemap, treemap forms , allows drill-down functionality in browser. however, mouseover top not appear respond mouse-clicks. can enable drill-up functionality? (i using recent versions of firefox , chrome.)

## please note default googlevis plot command ## open browser window , requires internet ## connection display visualisation.  tree <- gvistreemap(regions,  idvar="region", parentvar="parent",                     sizevar="val", colorvar="fac") plot(tree)   tree2 <- gvistreemap(regions,  "region", "parent", "val", "fac",                     options=list(width=600, height=500,                                  fontsize=16,                                  mincolor='#edf8fb',                                  midcolor='#66c2a4',                                  maxcolor='#006d2c',                                  headerheight=20,                                  fontcolor='black',                                  showscale=true))  plot(tree2)  ## simple static treemap no drill down options based on states ## , area. still have create parent id use ## gvistreemap  require(datasets) states <- data.frame(state.name, state.area)  ## create parent variable  total=data.frame(state.area=sum(states$state.area), state.name="usa")  my.states <- rbind(total, states) my.states$parent="usa" ## set parent variable na @ root level my.states$parent[my.states$state.name=="usa"] <- na  my.states$state.area.log=log(my.states$state.area) statestree <- gvistreemap(my.states, "state.name", "parent",                           "state.area", "state.area.log") plot(statestree)   ## add regions above data set enable drill down capabilities  states2 <- data.frame(state.region, state.name, state.area)  regions <- aggregate(list(region.area=states2$state.area),                      list(region=state.region), sum)  my.states2 <- data.frame(regionid=c("usa",                                     as.character(regions$region),                                     as.character(states2$state.name)),                          parentid=c(na, rep("usa", 4),                                    as.character(states2$state.region)),                          state.area=c(sum(states2$state.area),                                       regions$region.area, states2$state.area))  my.states2$state.area.log=log(my.states2$state.area)  statestree2 <- gvistreemap(my.states2, "regionid", "parentid",                            "state.area", "state.area.log")  plot(statestree2) 

to drill-up, needed use right-click.


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