Dynamically add EditText, Spinner, Radiobutton in Android -

need add edittext, spinner , radiobutton based on array length.

gquestionedittext = (edittext) findviewbyid(r.id.questioneditext);         gquestionspinner = (spinner) findviewbyid(r.id.spinnerquestion);         gquestionradiobutton = (radiobutton) findviewbyid(r.id.questionradiobutton);          (int = 0; < subslotid.size(); i++) {          } 

based on array size need add edittext,spinner , radio button, please suggest me add, , how differentiate id's , values.


try below code add dynamic views edittext, textview, spinner, radiobutton,.. layout based on size of array. sample code, not tested.

linearlayout ll = new linearlayout(this);  edittext edittext = new edittext(this); edittext.setid(edittext.generateviewid()); ll.addview(edittext);  spinner dynamicspinner = new spinner(this); options = new arraylist<string>(); options.add("january"); options.add("february"); arrayadapter<string> adapter = new arrayadapter<string>(this,android.r.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, options); dynamicspinner.setadapter(adapter); ll.addview(dynamicspinner);  radiobutton rdbtn = new radiobutton(this); rdbtn.setid(rdbtn.generateviewid()); rdbtn.settext("radio " + rdbtn.getid()); ll.addview(rdbtn); 

edittext.generateviewid() generate unique id view, can used details of view @ later point of time...


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