javascript - Counting in binary -

i'm learning program , trying make program count in binary.

i made function convert provided decimal binary , looks working ok, when try count upwards using loop browser freezes , can't understand why. using similar while loop produces result needed.

the problem right @ bottom commented out. please figure out i'm doing wrong here.

here's code:

function isodd(num) {return num % 2};  var tobinary = function (number) {  ints = [];  binary = [];  ints.push(math.floor(number));   while (number >= 1) {      number = (math.floor(number))/2;      ints.push(math.floor(number));  }   (i=ints.length-1;i>=0;i--) {      if (isodd(ints[i])) {          binary.push(1);      } else {          binary.push(0);      }  }   if (binary[0] === 0) {      binary.splice(0,1);  }   return binary;  };  var count = 0; while (count <= 50) {  console.log(tobinary(count));  count++; }  /* (i=1;i<=50;i++) {  console.log(tobinary(i)); } */ 

use for (var i=ints.length-1;i>=0;i--) , for (var i=1;i<=50;i++), otherwise i global variable , overwritten inside tobinary.


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