Adding HTML to iOS I get expected '[' error -

i getting weird error on xcode: expected '[' error , build fails. code

[descweb loadhtmlstring:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"<html><body p style='color:black' text="#000000" face="helveticaneue" size="5">%</body></html>",strtemp] baseurl: nil]; 

this whole code block

[descweb removefromsuperview]; descweb = [[uiwebview alloc]init]; descweb.delegate = self; descweb.tag = 1; [descweb setopaque:no]; [descweb setbackgroundcolor:[uicolor clearcolor]]; descweb.frame = cgrectmake(3, 7, 314, 350); [descweb loadhtmlstring:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"<html><body p style='color:black' text="#000000" face="helveticaneue" size="5">%</body></html>",strtemp] baseurl: nil]; [scrollview addsubview:descweb]; 

thank looking , help

you need add slashes quotation marks.

nsstring *string = @"a quotation mark: \""; nslog(@"%@", string ); 


a quotation mark: "


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