cookies - display ad on my site 400 error -

there rtb placement on site passing hundreds of cookies adserver in request header causing 400 error:

],           "cookies": [             {               "name": "10059038",               "value": "_52f06e17,2536076788,125^1647715^1183^0,0_",               "expires": null,               "httponly": false,               "secure": false             },             {               "name": "1011656",               "value": "_52f1ac49,5585423647,840586^1654834^1183^0,1_",               "expires": null,               "httponly": false,               "secure": false             },             {               "name": "13130976",               "value": "_52f1b1dd,6460543143,892975^1580686^1183^0,1_",               "expires": null,               "httponly": false,               "secure": false             },             {               "name": "16047785",               "value": "_52f1b36b,7123606458,771487^1658460^1183^0,1_",               "expires": null,               "httponly": false,               "secure": false 

this request url:,2005623046,878832_1676376_80_0,1_/xsxdata=$xsxdata/bnum=67942203/optn=64? 

any idea why sending soooo many cookies. worried adpartner. yo.


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