php - How to fetch specific fields from array using file_get_contents -

i want fetch player fields:

e.g id,name,tag,plat etc

i have type of data:

stdclass object (     [player] => stdclass object         (             [id] => 179203896             [game] => bf4             [plat] => pc             [name] => helltime             [tag] => dk             [datecheck] => 1391437377733             [dateupdate] => 1391437377733             [datecreate] => 1386696304438             [lastday] => 20140117             [country] =>              [countryname] =>              [rank] => stdclass object                 (                     [nr] => 73                     [imglarge] => bf4/ranks/r73.png                     [img] => r73                     [name] => chief warrant officer 5 iii                     [needed] => 4920000                     [next] => stdclass object                         (                             [nr] => 74                             [img] => r74                             [name] => chief warrant officer 5 iv                             [needed] => 5030000                             [curr] => 5022060                             [relneeded] => 110000                             [relcurr] => 102060                             [relprog] => 92.781818181818                         )                  )              [score] => 5025100             [timeplayed] => 862027             [uid] => 2832659368608119092             [uname] => helltime             [ugava] => 0b8b00021ebfb32414e5a6051c2c9a40             [udcreate] => 1328606863000             [blplayer] =>             [bluser] =>             [editable] =>              [viewable] => 1             [adminable] =>              [linked] =>          )      [stats] => stdclass object         (             [reset] => stdclass object                 (                     [lastreset] => 0                     [score] => 0                     [timeplayed] => 0                     [timeplayedsincelastreset] => 0                     [kills] => 0                     [deaths] => 0                     [shotsfired] => 0                     [shotshit] => 0                     [numlosses] => 0                     [numwins] => 0                 ) 

how can fetch data?

here code:

<?php $url = ""; $json = file_get_contents($url);  $data = json_decode($json); echo "<pre>"; print_r($data); ?>  

to name should this:

echo $data->player->name; 

you need because have stdclass object

you can change out array, have change this:

$data = json_decode($json); 

to this:

$data = json_decode($json, true); 

when make chagne can value this:

echo $data['player']['name']; 


below can see example, works me no error.

$url = ""; $json = file_get_contents($url);  echo 'using stdclass object option<br>'; $data = json_decode($json); echo $data->player->name;  echo '<br><br>using array option<br>'; $data = json_decode($json, true); echo $data['player']['name'];  exit; 


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