python 3.x - Import package "x" in module "x": prevent importing itself and import package instead -

i run problems when using project structure suggested here: what best project structure python application?.

imagine project layout this:

project/ |-- bin/ |   |-- | |-- project/ |   |-- |   |-- 

in bin/ want import package project. project import foo 

since sys.path[0] project/bin when running bin/, tries import module bin/ (itself) resulting in attribute error. there way use project layout without playing around sys.path in module bin/ need "importpackage" statement, ignores modules same name.

since project structure suggested, i'm wondering why no 1 else has kind of problems...

you try:

import imp module_name = imp.load_source('project','../project') 

module_name package.


for python 3.3+

import importlib.machinery  loader = importlib.machinery.sourcefileloader("project", "../project") foo = loader.load_module("project") 



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