ios - Multiple service call issue with iOS7 -

i dealing strange network issue. on ios 7 server call randomly reaching twice on sever. not happen ios 6.

from server logs appears same request (i sending unique id in each server request) coming twice client sending 1 request.

is known issue ios 7? or missing on client? or on server?

please suggest.

below code making server call:

self.urlrequest = [nsmutableurlrequest requestwithurl:self.url cachepolicy:nsurlrequestreloadignoringcachedata timeoutinterval:999]; [self.urlrequest sethttpmethod:[self methodstringformethod:self.requestmethod]]; [self.urlrequest setvalue:[self.requestheader valueforkey:aheaderkey] forhttpheaderfield:aheaderkey]; [self.urlrequest setvalue:@"gzip" forhttpheaderfield:@"accept-encoding"]; [self.urlrequest sethttpbody:[self keyvaluepostdatafromdictionary:self.body]];  if (self.connection) {     [self.connection cancel];     self.connection = nil; }  self.connection = [[nsurlconnection alloc] initwithrequest:self.urlrequest delegate:self]; self.inflight = yes;  // if aren't on main thread, spool run loop pretend busy until request comes if ([nsthread currentthread] != [nsthread mainthread]) {    {         [[nsrunloop currentrunloop] runmode:nsdefaultrunloopmode beforedate:[nsdate distantfuture]];       } while (self.inflight); } 


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