java - How to test a project using wifi connection on Genymotion emulator? -

i try test project wifi connection : use genymotion emulator 4.2.2 emulator detect wifi/3g connection in project can't connect localhost

it necessary change code or configuration on emulator? 

code :

public class connectiondetector {     private context _context;      public connectiondetector(context context){         this._context = context; }     /**      * checking possible internet providers      * **/     public boolean isconnectingtointernet(){         connectivitymanager connectivity = (connectivitymanager) _context.getsystemservice(context.connectivity_service);           if (connectivity != null)           {               networkinfo[] info = connectivity.getallnetworkinfo();               if (info != null)                   (int = 0; < info.length; i++)                       if (info[i].getstate() == networkinfo.state.connected)                       {                           return true;                       }            }           return false;     } } 

in homefragment :

connectiondetector cd; // check if internet present     if (!cd.isconnectingtointernet()) {         // internet connection not present         alert.showalertdialog(registeractivity.this,                 "internet connection error",                 "please connect working internet connection", false);         // stop executing code return         return;     } 

genymotion's emulator works using oracle vm virtualbox, virtualbox install driver direct connection between computer internet connection , emulator's. dis try accessing webpage android webbrowser inside emulator? if can acces webpage maybe there wrong inside app but, if cant, advise on reinstallling vm virtualbox or directly asking genymotion support


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