ios7 - iAd Banner Not Displaying (not showing on storyboards) -

#import "viewcontroller.h"  @implementation viewcontroller  - (void)viewdidload { [super viewdidload]; self.candisplaybannerads = yes; } 

i'm trying place iad banners in ios app no success. stumbled across method , tried (didn't work in simulator) , don't know if enough (adding didfailto....) ads work. couldn't work please me!!!

edit: tells me there no ads available , configuration incorrect. doesn't display test ads :(

i use bannerviewdidloadad when banner load , show banner animation, need implement <adbannerviewdelegate> :

#pragma mark - adbannerviewdelegate - (void)bannerviewdidloadad:(adbannerview *)banner {     nslog(@"banner loaded");      // display bannerview     _iadbannerview.hidden = no;     [uiview animatewithduration:0.4f                      animations:^{                          _iadbannerview.alpha = 1.0f;                      }]; } 

and use didfailtoreceiveadwitherror when banner unload (so here, can add animation move view example) :

- (void)bannerview:(adbannerview *)banner didfailtoreceiveadwitherror:(nserror *)error {     // print error     nslog(@"error banner failed :\n%@", error);      // hide bannerview     [uiview animatewithduration:0.4f                      animations:^{                          _iadbannerview.alpha = 0.0f;                      } completion:^(bool finished) {                          _iadbannerview.hidden = yes;                      }]; } 


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