c++ - OpenCV filter2D: Filtering only part of the matrix/image -

i encountered following problem. need filter matrix/image linear filter, want filter pixels have sufficient number of neighbors around (according kernel size). concretely result of filtering 32x32 image 5x5 kernel should of 28x28 size.
possible such processing in relatively simple way opencv built-in functions?

int kernel_size = 3; cv::mat in_img, out_img; cv::mat kernel = mat::ones( kernel_size, kernel_size, cv_32f )/ (float)(kernel_size*kernel_size);        cv::filter2d(in_img, out_img, -1 , kernel); //filtering  cv::size size = in_img.size(); cv::rect roi(kernel_size, kernel_size,size.width - 2*kernel_size, size.height - 2*kernel_size); cv::mat cropped = in_img(roi).clone(); //cropping 


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