ios - Cocoapods : spec.prefix_header_contents does not work -

here podspec : |s|         = "mycbdlumberjack"   s.version      = "0.0.1"   s.source       = { :git => '',                      :tag =>  "#{s.version}" }   s.source_files  = 'mycbdlumberjack/my lumberjack/**/*.{h,m}'   s.public_header_files = 'mycbdlumberjack/**/initializationcocoalumberjack.h'   s.resource  = "mycbdlumberjack/help_mycbdlumberjack.rtfd"   s.ios.platform   = :ios, '5.0'   s.osx.platform   = :osx, '10.7'   s.requires_arc = true   s.osx.framework = 'appkit'   s.ios.framework = 'uikit'   s.prefix_header_contents = '#import "ddlog.h"'   s.dependency 'cocoalumberjack', '~>1.8' end 

but, don't see result it. #import "ddlog.h" not appear in pods-mycbdlumberjack-prefix.pch.

am looking @ wrong place?

ps: seems line included when linting not included when include pod in project...

that mistake. path repo wrong...


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