java - what happens to static block when we create multiple objects? -

i have class has static members non-static members :

public class staticclassobjectcreations {     public static void dosomething() {         // todo implementations static     }      public void nonstaticmethod() {         // todo implementations non static     }      public static void main(string[] args) {          staticclassobjectcreations obj = new staticclassobjectcreations();         staticclassobjectcreations obj1 = new staticclassobjectcreations();       }  } 

as can see number of object creation not restricted , non-static methods can accessed of objects created new keyword.

the static methods or member variables available each instance , can accessed out creating objects also.

now question : how jvm maintains instances static block of code or in other words happens these static blocks when creating objects new keyword.


static blocks/variable/methods belong class, not instances of class. initialized when class loaded. there won't effect these when create instance of class. if invoke static member instance, compiler replace instance class.


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